God is doing amazing things in Campbell. On Saturday, August 8, Campbell Pantry, a joint effort by Care ministry and City Team Mobile Pantry. Over 2 hours, we served 102 families of 452 people in our communities. Also, we gave away 100 backpacks for the students in these families. Since the inception of our partnership with City Team Mobile Pantry Serves in November 2019, Campbell Pantry has provided groceries for more than 1000 families and more than 4500 people.
We want to thank God and our field volunteers, Peter Nicklin, Eric Cho, Eddie Moral, Mark Eligado, Ben Coe, Alfonso Castillo, David Ridder, Scott Pence, Amy Bridges, Sean, and Marcy Wojciechowski, who to make this event successful.
Special shout out to Alfonso Castillo who, with his family, will move to Arizona this August. Alfonso has served in this ministry faithfully since it began in December 2016. He has been our ambassador to the Spanish community. No one on our team has the ability like him to connect and communicate with the Spanish community. We are thankful for all he has done for this ministry and wish him well in the next chapter of his life. He will be missed dearly.
Special thanks to our photographer Amy Bridges. She was called to take pictures in addition to the duty of grocery distribution. Amy and her husband John have also served with this ministry for a long time. They are one of the many families faithfully providing groceries regularly before we expanded the Care ministry food distribution with City Team mobile pantry serves.
We also like to thank our volunteer coordinator Gail Sinclair, who faithfully reminds all volunteers about needs and their roles in this ministry every week. You can make her life easier if you use the care ministry volunteer signup website at https://rostervolunteers.com/cgi-bin/roster.cgi